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How do I tell my dad that he needs a PERS, Personal Emergency Response System?

Hello. My name is Terry Scott, MCP with Electronic Caregiver. I'm really a "Fall Consultant" who educates people on how to avoid falls and assists them in being protected before any occurrence happens. In my line of work, I'm often 

Sometimes it's harder for me to help my friends to help their parents with these devices. 

One close friend feels she cannot "convince" her dad about having a unit. " i believe its a good thing but trying to convence my dad is another thing"

Here is my reply: 

(Friend's Name) , you are not the "Lone Ranger" in this; almost everybody whose father now happily has one of these units had the "talk" during this role reversal stage of life. Whether it is easy or not, you may have to say, "Dad, you won't be driving anymore", or "Dad, you can't live at home anymore" and "Dad, I can't stand knowing if you are safe living alone anymore" is included. I've had many of those talks this last year with my mom and my two brothers. And I thank you for your help and support when you were giving me advice as you'll remember. Now all I can do is offer my advice to you. If you think this is too much "tough love" from me, don't get mad; get a unit from someone, even if it isn't from me. This is the last I'll ever say about this unless you ask me. You know I'm your friend and that I see some things that you may not see, and that I care.

This is a letter or conversation I would have with my dad; if he was still with me today. 

Dad, I’m sharing this because I love you and I’m concerned because you live alone where you could be harmed by a home intruder or any number of situations; the real one being a fall. 1 out of every 4 people will fall this year and I have no way of knowing if it will be you or one of your 3 friends. I know that when you do fall and are able to get up, you won’t tell me; you’ll shrug it off but the fact is that once you’ve fallen your chance of falling again doubles.

One out of five falls causes serious injuries such as broken bones and head injuries. You are in good health now, but a fall could change that in a minute. The longer you lay on the floor without getting immediate help decreases your chance of retaining your current health and lifestyle. Being on the floor, or the cold ground outside for just a very short time can cause you to live in an assisted living facility ending your current lifestyle and comfortable routine. Right now you are living self-sufficient at home by yourself, and now with a personal emergency response system you can continue to do so with confidence and I’m not stressed.

You may be in denial thinking that “this will never happen to me”, and I would love to think things like this could never happen to my dad. But I don’t want to think, I want to know that you’ll have help immediately if and when you need it. If you are one of the fortunate, this is the cheapest insurance around and peace of mind for both of us.

I have a friend who is a fall consultant with Electronic Caregiver and I want you to call him. His number is And I’m going to keep bugging you until you call him and get one of these units. If it means that I have to pay for it myself, I will. END OF MONTH SPECIAL. I’m telling my friends that if they are considering a Fall Button for themselves or a loved one, this month is probably the best month to get the unit. We have a special which includes 10% off the monthly monitoring services for as long as you have the unit, we waive the activation fee and include a free inner ear thermometer. If you are not a friend yet, that’s OK; you’re family! Contact me. This will be the greatest gift some will get for all seasons!


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