With today's technology, PERS are so small and hardly noticeable to others and they address all types of needs for all ages. Children are safer at school, on the way to and from school and at home while waiting for parents to return. College aged daughters and even sons have this as part of their going away essentials. Hikers and so many others use PERS. Danger can lurk anywhere... As recently published in PERS Insider: One of the major issues that continues to plague the PERS industry is the perception that only the old and infirm need a PERS device—and that perception has crept into politics. While recent congressional candidate Laura Loomer lost her primary bid in Florida’s 11th congressional district, we couldn’t help but notice she used her opponent's age, and his (unproven) use of a Life Alert necklace, as a reason to attack him and claim he is unfit for office . “‘We don’t need members of Congress who are walking around wearing Life Alert necklaces, too si...