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Ease the stress of family caregiving, at home, away and in an assisted living type community.

  In 2024, with its advanced remote patient technology, the ECG Pro Health system is another system that will positively impact your life, your home and your community. We have been seeing incredible interest in the Pro Health system since Covid19 began, and now you and your loved one can be safe at home, away and even in an assisted living environment. Pro Health offers remote health management with vitals monitoring and alerts. Patients can track important vitals like blood pressure, weight, glucose, body temperature, and more. Actionable data can be shared with caregivers, loved ones, and health providers in real-time. Caregivers and staff have the peace of mind knowing that Pro Health also offers telehealth, med reminders, and 24/7 emergency response. Your assisted living type of community will benefit from all the features the Pro Health provides, and caregivers: children, spouses and in-home caregivers, will be finally supported. Share the news; help has arrived! Sincerel
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Seniors, stay hydrated tips. Plus Minnesota needs Interviewers for Assisted Living Residents and Nursing Homes. Great pay and only 20 hours per week.

  I’m spreading the word about the MN QOL project! (See below).  SENIORS, STAY COOL AND STAY HYDRATED.  Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as possible. If your home doesn't have air conditioning, contact your local health department or locate an air-conditioned shelter in your area. Do not rely on a fan as your main cooling source when it's really hot outside. Drink more water than usual and  don't wait  until you're thirsty to drink. If your doctor limits the amount of fluids you drink or has you on water pills, ask them how much you should drink during hot weather. Don't use the stove or oven to cook—it will make you and your house hotter. Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Take cool showers or baths to cool down. Do not engage in very strenuous activities and get plenty of rest. Check on a friend or neighbor and have someone do the same for you. Follow  additional tips  on how to prevent heat-related illness...................... MINNESOTA

Stay safe with GPS personal emergency pendant. July 2024 Special pricing...

  FREEDOM is the reason for the season! During July, we're celebrating the incredible freedoms we share not just from being citizens of a great country, but because we have the opportunity to provide real solutions to caregivers and those they care for. Promotion Details: FREEDOM 10% off monthly monitoring fee for all Premier, ProHealth, & 4200X. Free-colored wrist pendant  *The free pendant offer is only for Series 2 and ProHealth. Series 1 already comes with a free-colored wrist pendant. Don't miss this chance to give your family, friends, and community the gift of freedom. Freedom and confidence to age how and where they please. Please use the contact form on this page if interested in ordering or if you have any questions or need further assistance.  Sincerely,  Terry Scott, Authorized Rep Your Electronic Caregiver team!

Find Out Before the Bills Arrive about What Medicare Covers...

Because Medicare is so complex, seniors can end up getting blindsided by huge medical or prescription medication costs when the bills arrive. That’s why it’s important to figure out what Medicare will cover, what counts toward the deductible, what the co-pay will be, and how much will be paid out of pocket. Estimating costs ahead of time means everyone will be better prepared when the bills arrive. We explain how to find out if something will be covered by Medicare, how to estimate costs for complex services, and where to get help understanding Medicare benefits. Read the full article. We reccomend ECG, Electronic Caregiver.  To learn about pricing and availability of Electronic Caregiver products for home or assisted living facilities, please call Terry Scott by using the information in the business card shown above. We serve the entire USA.  For information on Electronic Caregiver please use the information in the business card image above.  Visit online to download your card to use

Always Connected Care offers Products and Services to both Healthcare Professionals and Community

 Thank you for stopping by. I assure you that this will be the most important stop on the web that you'll make today; maybe all year.  I can honestly say that because my clients really do keep money, make money, and save money on a variety of products and services; even on their own money.  This page is divided so as to be specific to either professionals and non professionals but please know that many are appropriate to either. If you have questions, please use the contact form.  Thanks in advance for allowing me and my team to serve you. I look forward to our long relationship.  Make it a great day!  Terry (Ter) Scott PROFESSIONALS:  LegalShield Tranzact Card Drive Planning Branding More GMG Impact Health Natural Fruits and Veggies ECG Non Professionals (Healthcare Community)  LegalShield Tranzact Card Drive Planning Branding More GMG Impact Health Natural Fruits and Veggies ECG

My daughter who is a nurse, turned me on to this, and I can't thank her enough.

  I'm talking to any health professional out there, regardless if you are a nurse, a doctor, own a pharmacy or an individual who loves health and really wants to make a difference in the health and lives of others.  Several years ago, I noticed my daughter and my grandkids taking this stuff; all from these colorful containers and get this; they were loving it. They wanted more. It wasn't hard at all to get the daily amount of fruits and vegetables into these kids. I was amazed. (Of course we did pretty well, we thought, in getting the real garden grown variety into my daughter and her siblings as they were growing up but today, try getting all you need in your diet... it's real tough to do. And this "goodness" wasn't around then.  So I wanted to get on the product, I did and the results were so amazing so I got my two brothers on it (both in their sixties) and they are very healthy now. (That's real peace of mind for me). When my daughter saw that I did th

Terry Scott, Master Care Partner with ECG offers Connected Care in Your Pocket

Please visit often. This page is updated with the latest news frequently.  Please scroll to the bottom of this page to see the latest PERS  (Personal Emergency Response System).  Be sure to ask about this month's featured special to save money on your purchase.  My brother has one because he has the risk of falling. I have one becuase I'm an active business person in the community and it's "cheap insurance" because accidents can happen anywhere.  PS. Cellphones are not always the answer.  Use the contact form on this page and ask any question. There is never any pressure.  Or, call my cellphone shown in the business card below. Be sure to leave a message if I'm busy helping someone else. - Terry Scott  Always Connected Care is an exclusive authorized rep for ECG, Electronic Caregiver located in Las Cruces NM.  (For personal service, please contact me instead of the factory. If by chance that you do, please be sure to tell them that you were referred by Terry